Consumers must be reliably supplied with electricity at all times . With our high-precision testing and measurement technology , we help power networks and plants around the world work safely and without problems .
Our expert team is in direct contact with our customers and paves the way for innovative developments. Our personal approach means that we are able to promptly identify and meet the needs of our customers.
Insulating oil testing
Insulating materials are the elixir of life of electrical equipment. These materials lose their insulating and cooling properties due to impurities and ageing. This damages equipment, causes failures and is consequently often accompanied by high costs.
Testing of insulating materials is therefore legally stipulated and regulated by national and international standards. BAUR oil and insulating material testers are characterised by quality levels recognised worldwide.

DPA 75 C

DTA 100 C



BAUR Report Manager

ITS Lite software
Cable fault location
In spite of major developments in this field, faults still occur frequently in cable systems for various reasons. In addition to trained personnel, you also need very efficient equipment to rectify faults.
BAUR cable fault location devices and systems cover the entire cable fault location process: During pre-location, the position of the fault is roughly located. The subsequent pinpointing enables precise determination of the cable fault. You can use various measurement methods depending on the kind of fault and cable type.


ATG 6000

KSG 200 / KSG 200 T



IRG 2000

SSG 500

SSG 1100-3000

TG 600 & TG 20/50

TDR 500

IRG 4000

CL 20
Cable testing and diagnostics

PGK 25

PGK 50 & 80


PHG 70 TD & 80 TD

frida TD

